International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

The Jade Age and Chinese archaeology
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Edad del jade
Arqueología China
Períodos arqueológicos
Jade Age, Chinese Archaeology, Neolithic, jade, archaeological periods

How to Cite

GARCÍA RUBIO DE YCAZA, T. D., & WIESHEU, W. M. (2022). The Jade Age and Chinese archaeology. International Journal of Asian Studies, 1(1), 148–183.


Many scholars have identified the differences between the Chinese archaeological tradition and other archaeological traditions around the world. These differences are the result of the unique development of archaeology in China, its particular objectives and its close relation with the Chinese State. The Jade Age, a proposal developed at the end of the 80’s and in the 90’s of the Twentieth Century, is the result of the Chinese archaeological tradition. This article explores the characteristics of the Chinese archaeology and the development of the concept of a Jade Age as a direct consequence of it, from its alleged origins in the ancient texts of the Han dynasty to its resurrection at the end of the past century, highlighting its correlation with the general objectives and methods of the Chinese Archaeology.
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