International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

Constructing a female gaze: an analysis of Dear Pyongyang
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mirada femenina
female gaze

How to Cite

Forero-Montoya, B. (2023). Constructing a female gaze: an analysis of Dear Pyongyang . International Journal of Asian Studies, 2(1), 113–138.


Based on the gaze theory that promoted a feminist turn in the analytical approach and production of cinema since the end of the 20th century, this article proposes to study the film Dear Pyongyang (2005), directed by Yang Yong-hi. It develops the construction of the concept of female gaze while it looks at how the film builds a narrative that exceeds the limits of a patriarchal order. The article starts from two aspects. The first one refers to the essay film as a genre, in first person, which makes it possible to focus on non-normative figures. The second one is the displacement of the male gaze sexual pleasure in order to understand a pleasure motivated by human narratives beyond binary categories of gender and ethnicity. In this manner, the analysis accomplishes its last purpose. It is to make us audiences concentrate on the work of a female director who has both subverted and nourished the corpus of alternative filmography made by women, according to her socio-historical context
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