International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

The (post) modern varieties of yogic experience.
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yoga y modernidad
religiosidad urbana
modern yoga
urban religiosity

How to Cite

Muñoz, A. (2023). The (post) modern varieties of yogic experience.: From Yoga to Kabbalah, and from Lineage to Individualization. International Journal of Asian Studies, 2(1), 239–263.


This brief article examines some issues pertaining various experiences in contemporary yoga. By reviewing key ideas from two recent publications which probe into key aspects of modern yoga and contemporary yoga, the article discusses the dialectics of yogic practice in the contemporary world, and also offers a general assessment of academic endeavors in the field. Thus, the article specifically reviews the input and theoretical contributions made by the monographs From Yoga to Kabbalah, by Véronique Altglas (2014), and Post-Lineage Yoga. From Guru to #MeToo, by Theodora Wildcroft (2020) and then discusses the general state of the art.
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Wildcroft, Theodora. Post-Lineage Yoga. From Guru to #MeToo. United Kingdom: Equinox, 2020.



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