International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

Transformation of Tibetan identity: from Indian cultural roots to the international spotlight in 1990
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New Age
Turismo espiritual
New Age
Spiritual tourism

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García Vargas, A. (2024). Transformation of Tibetan identity: from Indian cultural roots to the international spotlight in 1990. International Journal of Asian Studies, 3(2), 109–143.


In this paper, I explore monographically the historical relationship between India and Tibet through different periods, which gave rise to various Tibetan cultural expressions with a strong Indian influence, such as folk music, painting, theater, writing, and religion. Subsequently, an analysis of the Western construction of Tibet is presented. Considering the experience of the encounter between Indian culture and the West, with both regions continually mentioned together, surrounded by an aura of mysticism and spirituality, being the setting for myths such as the giant ants of the Indus region or the journeys of Jesus of Nazareth. During the 1970s, through the New Age movements, both societies had a strong impact on the Western and Chinese societies, becoming part of popular culture due to their presence in the media, series, movies, and influencing music of that decade.
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