International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

Divine mothers: The Religious Transnationalization of Adi Shakti and the Virgin of Guadalupe in Sikh Dharma
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How to Cite

Alvarado Lugo, G. (2024). Divine mothers: The Religious Transnationalization of Adi Shakti and the Virgin of Guadalupe in Sikh Dharma. International Journal of Asian Studies, 3(2), 38–75.


This article discusses the religious relocation of Sikhs in America, based on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Bhajan, a teacher who arrived from India to North America around 1970. He founded the organization 3HO (Healthy, Happy, and Holy Organization). The formation of the New Religious Movement will also be presented: Sikh Dharma in New Mexico, USA. Through a multi-situated methodology, it will be interpreted how the social and religious values of Indian Sikhs have been reformulated to adapt to the local culture, in this case, in the Mexican culture. With the purpose of exemplifying religious transnationalization, I will focus on the study of the image and attributes of the Virgin of Guadalupe, an icon of devotion for Mexicans who profess the Catholic religion, and the Adi Shakti, the feminine force emanating from Hindu goddesses, which has been associated with the Marian figure. We will learn how Sikh converts or Kundalini yoga practitioners recite mantras and organize meditations in which they have integrated the Virgin of Guadalupe as another representation of the Hindu goddesses in the spiritual repertoire of the Sikhs.
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Referencias bibliográficas

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Imagen 1. A la izquierda Gurú Nanak al centro Sri Chand (hijo de Nanak) recibiendo bendiciones de las deidades hinduistas y de su padre, a la derecha el dios Shiva. Fuente:

Imagen 2. Khanda conformado por varios cuchillos dentro de un turbante. Fotografía: Greta Alvarado, 2018, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos.

Imagen 3. Mural del gurdwara de la Hacienda Gurú Ram Das Puri en Española.

Fotografía: Greta Alvarado, 2018, Nuevo México, EE. UU.

Imagen 4. De izquierda a derecha: Khanda (símbolo marcial sij). Armas resguardadas en el turbante. Acercamiento del mural del Adi Shakti en el gurdwara de Española, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos. Fotografías: Greta Alvarado, 2019.

Imagen 5. Meditación Reman. Altar con Yogi Bhajan, Gurú Hargobind (sexto gurú del sijismo) y la Virgen de Guadalupe. Fotografía: Greta Alvarado, 2019, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.

Imagen 6. Tapete de yoga con Virgen de Guadalupe como Adi Shakti de venta en mercadito del solsticio de verano en Ram Das Puri, Española, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos. Fotografía: Greta Alvarado, 2019



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