Author Guidelines
To see the format guidelines for the presentation of papers, please read carefully the following information:
Scientific papers:
Its purpose is to communicate the results of research, ideas and debates; in a clear, concise and reliable manner. They should include figures, graphs, tables or equations that support the results, analysis and conclusions. Scientific articles should contribute to the state of knowledge of the subject they deal with.
Guideline for preparing scientific papers
Technical notes:
A technical report or technical article is a document of a practical nature, it is intended to convey a specific message. Among the most common objectives of technical articles are to communicate the results of applying a new method, to communicate the results of management to solve a specific problem, to inform about the incorporation of a material, adoption of policies, projections of results, among others.
Guideline for the preparation of technical notes
Case Studies:
A case study is a complete presentation of the problem or phenomenon occurring. It is therefore understood as the in-depth description of an individual case and its analysis. It can be applied to qualitative, quantitative analysis and a mixture of both. This type of article allows the generation of discussion and search for solutions to a specific situation. The most valuable thing that this type of study can provide is an honest record of the events that occurred. For this type of article, photographs, explanatory graphs and any figures necessary to present the case can be included and should be properly referenced. In addition, tables can be used to summarize the results obtained.
Guideline for the preparation of case studies
Literature reviews:
Bibliographic reviews are based on the collection, synthesis and critical discussion of a particular topic, of which the author must demonstrate a great depth of knowledge. The content of the article should be inquisitive in an academic manner, so it should present a critical analysis of the topic in question, and avoid just presenting the information. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid neutral positions or comments that do not generate a discussion, and seek to delve into the lack of research on the topic, the limitations of past research and opportunities for future research.
Guideline for the preparation of literature reviews
Essay (Opinion article):
An opinion article is written by experts who present their ideas or points of view regarding a scientific topic/hypothesis/theory. They should be written in a convincing, logical, and professional manner. They should add to scientific knowledge. The objective of this type of article is to persuade the reader that the hypothesis put forward by the author of the research on which he/she gives his/her opinion is correct; for this purpose, data, statistics, scientific articles or examples of real application should be presented in order to support the hypothesis.
It is necessary that they present an objective review of what is known so far in the field, clearly expressing their ideas on the subject. These articles encourage discussion and academic exchange based on previously published information. Special care should be taken to ensure that opinions are based solely on previously published data and are not the extension of the author's own opinions.
Guideline for the preparation of opinion articles
Letters to the editor:
According to Redalyc, letters to the editor are short communications. In general, with comments of disagreement or conceptual agreement, methodological, interpretative, content, etc., on an original article, review, editorial or other publication format previously published in a journal. This type of intellectual communication can be developed, in general, in three formats: 1) reference to articles previously published in a journal, 2) topics or issues of professional interest to readers and 3) present research that would not be published in the format of an original article, short report or short communication and can be used as a bibliographic reference, which makes its elaboration even more important (Source:
Guideline for the preparation of letters to the editor
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