Asphalt irrigation in its various types, performs specific functions in the structure of a road during the construction phase or their service life. In particular, the so-called "Irrigation Primer " is used in underlying layers, in order to generate a transition surface with the new asphalt layer; thus the tack or prime coat will be placed on a surface to ensure a good bond with the overlying layer.For a long time Diluted Asphalts (Cut Back mediums) where used, but have been discontinued for environmental and economic reasons. Asphalt emulsions are replacing diluted asphalts with very good performance.
The advances on emulsifiers technology and facilities producing more “specialties”, have allowed to design and characterize a special emulsion for Irrigation Primer. The Standard Reference is the IRAM 6691 - Asphalts - Conventional cationic asphalt emulsions - Classification and requirements. This paper evaluates the penetration capabilities of Asphalt Emulsions according to the described standard reference, considering new primers that are capable of generating the required transfer surface for any base.
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