Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Construction and Validation of Attraction for Morbid Events Multifactor Scale
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factor structure
sensation seeking
antisocial behavior
risky behavior
estrutura fatorial
busca de sensações
comportamento antissocial
comportamento de risco
estrutura fatorial
busca de sensações
comportamento antissocial
comportamento de risco

How to Cite

Plutarco, L. W., Sousa, M. M. M. de, Santos, W. S. dos, Sousa, S. L. de H., & Alves, M. G. L. (2021). Construction and Validation of Attraction for Morbid Events Multifactor Scale. Actualidades En Psicología, 35(131), 103–118.


Objective. This study aimed to construct and validate the Attraction for Morbid Events Multifactor Scale (EMAEM). Method. Two empiric studies were conducted. 252 people from the general population participated in the first study, in which a main component analysis was conducted to attest the factor structure of EMAEM. In this study, the five-factor model was most suitable. In the second study, the participants were 609 people from the general population that answered personality and antisocial behavior scales, besides EMAEM. Results. Confirmatory Factor Analysis shows the suitability of the five-factor model. Moreover, the EMAEM scale can provide aids to a better understanding of personality traits associated with engaging in risky behavior.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Lia Wagner Plutarco, Marília Mendes Moreira de Sousa, Walberto Silva dos Santos, Sophia Lóren de Holanda Sousa, Matheus Gomes Lins Alves


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