Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Intention of Professional Abandonment in Teachers according to Education Levels
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Intention of professional abandonment
Burnout Syndrome
Intenção de abandono profissional
Síndrome de Burnout
Intención de abandono profesional
Síndrome de Burnout

How to Cite

Carlotto, M. S., & Diehl, L. (2023). Intention of Professional Abandonment in Teachers according to Education Levels. Actualidades En Psicología, 37(135), 128–142.


Objective. To identify the sociodemographic, work predictors, psychosocial stressors, regulatory focus to achieve goals at work, and emotional labor for professional abandonment intention in Brazilian teachers according to the five levels of education: kindergarten, elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate. Method. A non-probabilistic sample of 1,284 Brazilian teachers distributed across five levels of education was used, who responded to an online instrument that contained five sections: sociodemographic and labor data questionnaire, Burnout questionnaire, General Regulatory Focus Scale, Emotions Labor Scale and the Psychosocial Stressors Assessment Scale in the Work Context. Results. The results obtained through multiple linear regression analyses revealed different predictors according to educational levels. The variables that explained the models were higher rates of burnout syndrome, pressure for responsibility, role conflict and ambiguity, role overload, career insecurity, emotional variability, higher academic training and remuneration and lower rates of satisfaction with life, lower length of work and age, not having another professional activity, and working in a private institution. Burnout syndrome was a predictor at all levels.
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