Comparative palm heart production among four varieties of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth).


  • Carlos Arroyo-Oquendo Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Zootecnia
  • Jorge Mora Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Biología




heart production was evaluated at the ages of 11, 12 and 13

months in four varieties. Three of those varieties were

thornless (Diamantes-1, Diamantes-10 and Diamantes-20)

the other one had thorns in the trunk (Utilis-Tucurrique). The

trial was conducted in Guapiles, Costa Rica. The parameters

evaluated were: earlinesss; number of stems harvested;

sheath lengths of the leaf previous-to-the emerging.leaf and

of the emerging leaf; lengths of the petiole and leaf lamina;

lengths of the foliar and caulinar heart of palm; weights of the

foliar and caulinar hearts of palm; diameters of the foliar and

caulinar heart of palm; and industrial yield (boxes/ha). The

varieties Diamantes-10 and Diamantes-20 were superior in

earliness and number of stems harvested. At the age of 12

months the number of stems harvested per hectare were:

7067, 4493, 4381 and 2370 respectively for the varieties

Diamantes-10, Diamantes-20, Diamantes-1 and Utilis-

Tucurrique. The average weight per stem of foliar and

caulinar heart of palm respectively was 226.67g and 397.57g

per stem for Diamantes-20; 208,91g and 379.04g for

Diamantes-10; 169.47g and 264.62g for Diamantes-1; and

124.81g and 122.01g for Utilis-Tucurrique. The thornless

varieties produced a much larger caulinar heart of palm than

the thorny variety, mainly Diamantes-20 and Diamantes-10.


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How to Cite

Arroyo-Oquendo, C., & Mora, J. (2006). Comparative palm heart production among four varieties of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth). Agronomía Mesoamericana, 13(2), 135–140.