Strategies for the management of acid soils in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.


  • Bernardo Villar-Sánchez CECECH-INIFAP



In the state of Chiapas Mexico, common bean is an important crop, since there is an ancestral culture for its production and more than 100,000 ha. are annually sown. It contributes to the alimentation and employment of the population. However, there is a technological gap between the potential and actual yield. This gap is due to numerous stress factors, among them, low soil fertility is outstanding. The adopted strategy to manage this problem includes: 1. Application of lime and P2O5 , 2. Enhanced crop resistance through breeding, 3. The improvement of the organic matter and nutrients cycle in the soil, and 4. A combination of all the above. In this report we present the preliminary results of several trials carried out with common bean in greenhouse and field conditions in several locations. Five lime and three P2O5 rates were studied under a Complete Factorial Experimental Design with four replications. The responses to the treatments were measured as seed yield and changes in soil chemical properties. There was a positive response in yield to the addition of lime and P2O5.


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How to Cite

Villar-Sánchez, B. (2006). Strategies for the management of acid soils in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 11(1), 155–158.