Characterization of technological and nutritional quality in improved and local varieties of tropical black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).


  • Dora Alicia Ortega CIRGOC. INIFAP.
  • Julio César Vinay CIRGOC. INIFAP.
  • Ernesto López CIRGOC. INIFAP.



With the objective of characterizing the technological and nutritional quality of improved varieties of the tropical black bean, released by the INIFAP in the humid tropics, this study took place in the Cotaxtla and La Posta Experimental Fields. It included the tropical varieties: Jamapa, Negro Huasteco-81, Negro Veracruz, Negro Cotaxtla-91, Negro Tacana, and two local creole varieties: “Arbolito” and “Palito”. We performed the quantification for humidity (%), weight (g), size (mL), head (%), water absorption (%), cooking time (min) (Mattson and Sensorial methods), cooking rate (%), broth thickness, protein (%), crude fiber (%), fats (%), dissolved carbohidrates (%), triptofane (g/100 g of protein), germination (%), myco-flora (%). The improved varieties presented very good technological quality; they were characterized by materials of small bean, soft and bland; they had very similar cooking times and a cooking rate of > 47 %, characteristic of recently harvested beans. They provided a light broth. They all had very good nutritional quality and the Negro Veracruz was the one with the largest protein content (27%), and Negro Tacana, with the best concentration of triptofane (1.27 g/ 100 g of protein). The seed quality was very good and the best one was Negro Veracruz with a 99% of germination rate, and Negro Cotaxtla-91 with only 10% of myco-flora.


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How to Cite

Ortega, D. A., Vinay, J. C., & López, E. (2016). Characterization of technological and nutritional quality in improved and local varieties of tropical black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agronomía Mesoamericana, 7(1), 20–25.

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