Effect of Overall Combining Aptitude aod Identification of Triple Hybrids of White Grain Corn (Zea mays L.).


  • Mario Fuentes Programa de Maiz
  • José Luis Quemé lCTA.
  • Carlos Pérez lCTA.




The breeding of triple crosses with the combination of 24 white grain lines and four elite simple crosses, used as females in the breeding of the hybrids HB-83M, H-5, H-27 and DC-43 in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica, respectively, were evaluated in ten localities in Central America to determine the overall combining ability OCA of the germplasm developed by the Regional Corn Project. The results show an out standing superiority in the perfomance of the new hybrids bred, compared to the controls HB-83, H-5, H-27, HC-43, and the testers used. The highest yields were obtained at the Costa Rican localities with the hybrid 1188 x 1178 with 8.6 t/ha, and overyielded the control HC-43 by 35%. The OCA estimated identified 9 superior lines, among which the 1178, 1107, and 1150 stand out with values of 6,2, 6,1 and 6,0 t/ha, derived from the Pool 24 and the Population 25 from CYMMYT.


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How to Cite

Fuentes, M., Quemé, J. L., & Pérez, C. (2016). Effect of Overall Combining Aptitude aod Identification of Triple Hybrids of White Grain Corn (Zea mays L.). Agronomía Mesoamericana, 4, 71–76. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v4i0.25171

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