Agronomical characters of two populations of Jaltomata procumbens (Cav.) J. L. Gentry I. Darío Flores-Sánchez2, Manuel Sandoval-Villa2, Ernesto Gabriel Alcántar-González2, Prometeo Sánchez-
native resources, semi-domesticated species, protected agriculture, hydroponicsAbstract
Introduction. Jaltomata procumbens (Cav.) J. L. Gentry, for food used, is considered a semi-domesticated species that meets the criteria for future use. Objective. The objective was to evaluate agronomical characters of two J. procumbens genotypes, under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions. Materials and methods. The investigation was carried out in the Colegio de postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, from July to December 2019. In an open hydroponic system, the next treatments were applied: two genotypes (erect and decumbent); three electrical conductivity levels (CE): 1, 2 and 3 dS m-1; two pruning levels (pruned and without pruning). plant height (AP), stem diameter (DT), number of leaves (NH) and clusters (NR), flowers by clusters (FLR), fruits by clusters (FR), fruit weight (PF), yield (REND) and SPAD values were evaluated. Results. Both genotypes had a positive response in AP, DT and PF. Variability within and between genotypes was observed for pruning and CE treatments; however, cultivation at 1 and 3 dS m-1 expressed an outstanding development in AP, DT and REND; and with pruning in FLR, FR and PF. Conclusions. According to these results, both genotypes have the potential to be consider in agronomical studies.
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