Biocontrol of Penicillium digitatum with secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi in mandarin fruits




antibiosis, mold, biological control, antagonism


Introduction. "Green mold," caused by Penicillium digitatum, is one of the phytosanitary problems limiting citrus production. Synthetic fungicides are used to control it, but over time, they have lost their effectiveness due to resistance developed by the fungus. An alternative to chemical control is the use of endophytic fungi with biocontrol action. Objective. To evaluate the effect of secondary metabolites (SM) from endophytic fungi (EF) on the mycelial inhibition of Penicillium digitatum and the disease control efficacy in post-harvest mandarins Citrus reticulata). Materials and methods. The study was conducted under a completely randomized experimental design in the Plant Health laboratory of Universidad Nacional de Cañete (UNDC), Lima, Perú. For the antibiosis test, secondary metabolites were extracted from ten strains of EF from the genera Trichoderma sp., Fusarium sp., and Aspergillus sp., and the mycelial inhibition of the pathogen (%) was evaluated. The SM were sprayed at a concentration of 15 % (v/v) on fruits that were disinfected and then inoculated with the pathogen by spraying (1x 105 CFU/mL). Commercial biocontrol, vegetable oil, and fungicide were added to the treatments. After six and nine days, disease incidence (%) and severity index (0, 1, 2, 3) were evaluated. Data were analyzed using the InfoStat statistical program. Results. The secondary metabolites from the HEA-111 (Aspergillus), HEA-109 (Fusarium), and HSA-1 (Trichoderma) strains showed the highest mycelial inhibition with 95.05 %, 87.51 %, and 47.47 %, respectively. The fruits mandarins treated with SM from the HEA-109 and HSA-1 strains there were t control e at 80 % and 55 %, respectively. Conclusions. The SM from HE have effect in the mycelial inhibition of P. digitatum and reduces theprogression disease in fruits.



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How to Cite

León-Ttacca, B., Arestegui-Cantoral, Y., Tarula-Gutierrez, B., Orellana-Cornejo, C., Luis-Vilcamiza, J., & Flores-Pelaes, P. (2024). Biocontrol of Penicillium digitatum with secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi in mandarin fruits. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 55682.




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