Characterization of the nopal (Opuntia spp.) production system in the Huasteca of Tamaulipas, Mexico




cactaceae, commercialization, area in production, family production units


Introduction. In Tamaulipas, Mexico, suitable environmental conditions are present to produce of nopal, however, yields are lower than the national average. Objective. The objective of this work is to characterize the nopal productive system in La Huasteca Tamaulipeca and identify the main problems that limit production. Materials and methods. A diagnosis of the nopal productive system was carried out in La Huasteca Tamaulipeca for which 28 surveys of 65 questions were applied, divided into three sections: a) identification of the producer, b) characterization of the family production unit and c) technical-productive characterization and marketing. Results. The age of the producers ranges from 37 to 78 years, with an average of 6,5 years of schooling. 3 % of the total producers do not have technical advice, 57,1 % mentioned that their lands are under the ejido regime and 100 % do not use agricultural machinery for their activities. 82,1 % of producers sell their products to intermediaries. The nopal producers of La Huasteca Tamaulipeca are mostly older adults with a lot of experience in growing nopal, however, production is carried out in a traditional way, without using any type of infrastructure, temporary and with little technical support. The main problems that producers face are the low prices caused by the low demand for the product, and the lack of technical assistance for crop management. Conclusions. Nopal production in La Huasteca Tamaulipeca is carried out in a traditional way, without using any type of infrastructure, temporary and with little technical support. The main problems that producers face are the low prices caused by the low demand for the product and the lack of technical assistance for crop management.


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How to Cite

Zárate-Martínez, W., Felipe Victoriano, M. ., Alcalá Rico, J. S. G. J. ., Hernández Hernández, A. ., Méndez Argüello, B. ., & Arispe Vázquez, J. L. . (2025). Characterization of the nopal (Opuntia spp.) production system in the Huasteca of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 60442.




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