Prostephanus truncatus control in maize’s seed.


  • Abel Valdes Universidad Autónoma Agraria “Antonio Narro”. Buenavista, Saltillo.
  • Elos Mariano Mendoza Universidad Autónoma Agraria “Antonio Narro”. Buenavista, Saltillo.
  • Francisco Nieto Universidad Autónoma Agraria “Antonio Narro”. Buenavista, Saltillo.



The objective considers to evaluate the biological effectiveness of 9 single insecticide products and in mixture, employees for the control of plagues of the maize (grain stored and of the culture) and to dose recommended for this culture. They were applied by immersion of the grain on a variety of maize tuxpeño to observe the biological effect in mortality terms on large grain borer Prostephanus truncatus, during a period of storage of 6 months, under a design completely at random with 38 treatments, 3 repetitions and one comparison of averages (Tukey 0,05); with the intention of analyzing the insecticide that presents the best option for the treatment to the maize seed stored for investigation. The variance analysis indicated significant differences in percentage of mortality of the insects for each one of the treatments. The effect insecticides was of 100% to 5.53% of mortality. The insecticides deltametrina, permetrina and carbaryl expressed greater percentage of mortality on the others, including the witness (0% mortality). The mixtures in which good result was had are: deltametrina + pirimifos metil, deltametrina + carbaryl, permetrina + carbaryl, carbaryl + pirimifos metil, carbaryl + clorpirifos etil. The test of germination of seeds at the end of the evaluation showed, that the viability of the same one was not affected by the treatments.


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How to Cite

Valdes, A., Mendoza, E. M., & Nieto, F. (2006). Prostephanus truncatus control in maize’s seed. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 11(1), 95–101.