Diálogos. Revista Electrónica de Historia ISSN Impreso: 2215-3292 ISSN electrónico: 1409-469X

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/dialogos/oai
Food policy and consumption in Nicaragua, 1965-1995
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Central America
food independence
food aid
consumption habits
food policy
independencia alimentaria
donaciones internacionales
hábitos de consumo
políticas alimentarias


The article analyses the most significant public debates related with food policy and consumption in Nicaragua. It focuses on three specific moments of Nicaraguan history: First, the period of the Somoza dictatorship, second the Sandinista revolution and third the neoliberal government of President Violeta Chamorro. In general, this paper reviews the perspectives of three groups: Nicaraguan governmental institutions and politicians, international organizations, and civil society.
On the one hand, it explains hunger and malnutrition among the urban and rural poor; on the other hand it describes the forming of new consumption habits among the middle classes and elites, mainly in urban areas. The article is based on the reports of Nicaraguan government institutions, newspaper articles and studies of international organizations.
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