ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Digital Technological Revolution in Graphic Design (1990-2020): Evolution, Reinvention or Creative Automation?
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computer aided design
information technology
professional personnel
computer graphics
diseño por ordenador
tecnología de la información
personal profesional

How to Cite

Castro Madriz, J. M. (2023). Digital Technological Revolution in Graphic Design (1990-2020): Evolution, Reinvention or Creative Automation?. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 83(1), 98–124.


Introduction: This article reflects on the technological irruption in the area of Graphic Design and visual culture since 1990. Objective: It analyzes the labor transformations and professional competences derived from the use of digital programs and the Internet. At a problematic level, the argumentation seeks to elucidate the technological impact in three possible variables: the evolutionary as a gradual process derived from the traditional Graphic Design; the professional reinvention from the new technological market; and the creative automation as a consequence of the influence of the capitalist system of rapid consumption, as much as the contemporary teaching of Graphic Design. Methods: It combines bibliographic research with recent statistical data from IBISWorld, in reference specifically to the graphic industry. Results: They reveal a quantitative increase in the sector without necessarily implying qualitative growth. Conclusions: It proposes the modification of the cognitive process and artistic abilities as a result of the technological input and training in the postmodern visual communication.
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Copyright (c) 2023 José María Castro Madriz


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