This article reports on the artistic perspective of 115 Latin American theatrical direc- tors on issues related to the mise-en-scène; interviews took place in 19 countries all over the three Americas. Grouped into 6 volumes published under the title Art and Craft of the Theater Director in Latin America, interviews cover multiple aspects involved in the process of producing a show (reading of the dramatic text, rehearsals, performan- ce, promotion, etc.). They establish a corpus of knowledge on theatrical praxis; such knowledge constitutes a database of enormous wealth because it not only opens a new debate on professional issues but also gives a broad overview of the director’s work in different socio-cultural contexts.References
Buenaventura, E. (2005). La Elaboración de los Sueños y la Improvisación Teatral. En E. Buenaventura y J. Vidal (eds.), Es- quema general del método de trabajo co- lectivo del Teatro Experimental de Cali y otros ensayos. Maracaibo: Universidad de Zulia.
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