ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

The Mural Despertar (2014) and the Theme of the Sun in the Work of Juan Luis Rodriguez Sibaja
PDF (Español (España))


Costa Rican art
contemporary art
public art
Juan Luis Rodríguez Sibaja
visual arts
arte costarricense
arte contemporáneo
arte público
Juan Luis Rodríguez Sibaja
artes visuales

How to Cite

González Aguilar, B., & Santamaría Montero, L. (2015). The Mural Despertar (2014) and the Theme of the Sun in the Work of Juan Luis Rodriguez Sibaja. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 75(1), 103–138. Retrieved from


This paper intends to answer the question of how different artistic languages used by Juan Luis Rodríguez (born in 1934) overlap and how certain issues have persisted in his artistic career, emphasizing the sun as a recurrent theme. It will be used as a case study the mosaic titled Despertar ( Awakening, 2014), which is located opposite the Library Carlos Monge Alfaro at the University of Costa Rica. This artwork is interpreted after reviewing Rodriguez’s career as mosaic artist, after providing an overview of his role as innovator within the history of Costa Rican Art and after studying the survival of the solar motif in his artworks. Regarding the research question, it is determined that the overlap of media and artistic techniques in Rodriguez’s career responds to creative needs, in other words, the artist is not maintained in a continuous renewal process of previous designs, but does this to solve certain artistic problems; for example the Serie solar (Sun Series, 1976-2014). Finally, the analysis of Despertar allows elucidate three meanings around this mosaic: the blazing sun as representation of knowledge, the sunset as a nostalgic reflection and the sun as an invitation to awaken the collective consciousness.
PDF (Español (España))


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