ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Body, technology and biopolitics in Martín Rejtman’s Los guantes mágicos (2003)
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film media

How to Cite

Rubino, A. R. (2021). Body, technology and biopolitics in Martín Rejtman’s Los guantes mágicos (2003). ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 81(2), 18–41.


This article analyzes Martin Rejtman’s film Los guantes mágicos (2003) from the point of view of the intersection between body, technology, biopolitics and a pharmacopornographic regime. To this end, it first reviews these concepts and their approach in philosophy and then examines the way in which corporeality and illness are represented in the aforementioned film. In Los guantes mágicos (2003), illness and bodies are mainly discursive. Sick subjectivities are first said and by being said they become materialized, they become a body. Technology, pharmacological advances, and the logic of the market become, in this way, somatic incorporations.
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