ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Four annotations about Performance Studies
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art theory
historical research
teoría del arte
investigación histórica

How to Cite

Durán Segura, L. . (2022). Four annotations about Performance Studies. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 82(2), 91–120.


This article outlines four annotations on the Performance Studies that center around the development, consolidation, availability, and application of this field of action, thought, and transformation. To that end, certain concerns related to the realms of creativity, research, and policy are explored. Based on the review of the contributions from several authors of different cultural, temporal, and geographic contexts, it was possible to highlight the multivoiced, open, and inconclusive nature of Performance Studies. The article ends showing the usefulness that this field offers for escaping from the processes of academic self-regulation and, consequently, embracing a post-disciplinary perspective that makes it possible to raise targeted questions that are both bold and unsettling.
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