ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Didactics in the Process of Developing Personal Methodologies for Teaching Playwriting
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creative writing
didactic transposition
didactic tools
escritura creativa
transposición didáctica
herramientas didácticas

How to Cite

Martínez Cortés, Álvaro J. (2023). Didactics in the Process of Developing Personal Methodologies for Teaching Playwriting. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 83(1), 159–178.


Introduction: This paper synthesizes the concept of didactic transposition proposed by mathematics’ pedagogue Yves Chevallard and applies it to the field of dramaturgy. Objective: The article aims to problematize traditional writing manuals as didactic tools that tend to reproduce models rather than encourage individualized writing. Methods: Based on a comparative analysis of some concepts related to dramatic writing shared by De la Parra, Sanchis Sinisterra, and Kartún, four conceptual axes are proposed for teaching dramatic writing. Three drama teachers, who are disciples of the three analyzed professors, were interviewed. Results: Various didactic strategies influenced by the proposed axes were identified. Conclusions: It is argued that there is a relationship between the creative process and the generation of didactic tools that constitutes an alternative methodology in teaching dramaturgy, capable of producing writing with a higher degree of singularity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Álvaro Jose Martínez Cortés


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