ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Clay and Chisel
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special issue
point of view
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How to Cite

Chuk, B. (2023). Clay and Chisel: On Phenomenological Ontology of the Body and Visual Semiotics. Applications in Industrial Design. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 83(CA2). Retrieved from


At the triple frontier between phenomenology, semiotics and art, the thesis of a percipient primordial corporeality of inhabiting is presented as the antepredicative origin of all semiotic-objects as well as of all art, in the material relation between such an Original Body, the matter-stimulus of expression and the device of discourse, so called by semiotic pragmatics. It will be art or language, according to the course, which takes this formant link in the objectification of the world. Around a phenomenological ontology of the body, the central theme of the present text, a third position is postulated with respect to the current counterpoint between Michel Henry and Martin Heidegger. Although, extending the debate towards disciplines of visual expression, in particular those of spatial appropriation such as installation art, Architecture, Industrial Design among others, the thesis is shown applied in the recent creation of a tandem bicycle, in the second part of the exhibition.

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