ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

The Invisible of the Pampean Landscape in Ignacio Iasparra’s Polaroids and Paisajes Series
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contemporary Argentinian photography
time of duration
fotografía argentina contemporánea
tiempo de duración

How to Cite

Magnetto, V. (2024). The Invisible of the Pampean Landscape in Ignacio Iasparra’s Polaroids and Paisajes Series. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 84(1), 114–146.


Introduction: In this paper, time and space are researched in the photographic series Polaroids and Paisajes, produced in the 1990s and 2000s by Ignacio Iasparra. Objective: It is proposed to show how other photographic stories are generated, constructed with the stacking of time, through a specific use of the device, which produces new memories about the space of the Argentinean wet pampas. Methods: A pluralist approach is applied that combines mainly History and Philosophy of Art with a methodology of visual analysis, with special emphasis on the use of the photographic technique as tools to approach these images. Results: A set of contemporary images that involve a “non-productive” use of the device that promotes twists on that which it photographs is analysed. Conclusions: The time of duration generates spaces that move away from a certain customary imaginary while at the same time shaping an uncertain world.
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