Introduction: The Museum of Contemporary Art and Design held an exhibition entitled A Project on Trends: 30 years of Architecture Biennials in Costa Rica. Objective: This academic paper uses an art exhibition to generate a series of questionings in relation to the curatorial discourses at the museums, the architectural star system and, above all, the role played by this system in the recognition and visibilization of women in the history of art. Methods: A case study methodological strategy is used as the basis for an analysis and critique supported by a theoretical framework of iconic gender texts in Art and Architecture. Results: The need to implement a series of strategies to break with the established paradigm and make women and their contributions in the field of art and architecture visible is observed. Conclusions: In order to seek true gender parity, it is essential to generate critical discourse, historiographical debates, and theoretical discussions that break with the structure of the patriarchal canon, the star system, and the cult of personality.
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