ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

For Other Possible Arrangements: Resonances Between Institutional Analysis and Urban Intervention
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art and city
institutional intervention
artistic practices
arte y ciudad
intervención institucional
prácticas artísticas

How to Cite

Brito Lago, L., & Lima Rios Feres, L. (2025). For Other Possible Arrangements: Resonances Between Institutional Analysis and Urban Intervention. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 84(2), 40–61.


Introduction: Discussions about the idea of ​​urban intervention in the artistic context refer to a way of naming certain artistic practices that take place in the context of the city. Objective: In this paper, we intend to reflect on experiments in the context of curation and the practice of urban interventions through the resonance of these practices with concepts from a coherence field of institutional analysis. Methods: To do this, we use three operational concepts from the field of coherence of institutional analysis (intervention, crossing, and arrangement) to cross with the curatorial experiences of Conquista Ruas, a performing arts festival in the city, and an urban intervention, Praia do Suiço, carried out by us in the context of this festival. Results: From this intersection, we can recognize, outline, and debate certain operations that range from the festival’s collective organization modes to the collective agency of urban issues, based on intervention. Conclusions: In view of this, we found that the rapprochement between these fields can be fertile for the recognition of procedural and multiple dimensions that resonate between artistic practices, the city, and other possibilities of collective arrangements.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Lucas Lima Rios Feres, Lucas Brito Lago


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