ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Approach to the Dramaturgy of Scenic Dance
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artes escénicas
poética escénica
performing arts
stage poetics

How to Cite

Gómez de la Hoz, I. (2025). Approach to the Dramaturgy of Scenic Dance. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 84(2), 146–171.


Introduction: This paper examines dramaturgy in stage dance, a term whose meaning is often diluted between choreographic composition and stage direction. Objective: Specifically, it aims to contextualize the terminology of choreographic dramaturgy in stage dance for the precision of its function. Methods: The research is based on a critical analysis through a bibliographical review of dramaturgy, contrasted with the observation of works from different dance territories. Results: Choreographic dramaturgy is presented as a functional entity that articulates meanings in choreographic writing, facilitates artistic intention, and considers the spectator’s engagement. Two approaches to its study are supported: the postulates of the science of complexity and the proposal of complementary bases to existing methods of choreographic analysis. Conclusions: The results of this work allow an approach to the interactions between contemplation and rituality in a contemporary artistic practice, presenting both as a way of knowledge capable of transforming the spectator.
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