Introduction: This paper offers an aesthetics of judicial theatricality in oral and public transitional justice processes, focusing on the Ixil Trial, which took place in Guatemala in 2013. Objective: To develop a model for the analysis of the theatricality of transitional justice processes based on a series of characteristics that define the aesthetics of judicial theatricality in the accusatory system and the processes of reenactment of historical memory. Methods: The analysis is based on a more extensive comparative study of three audiovisual documents of the Ixil Trial. The text dialogues with authors coming from different fields who have been expanding the perspectives on the theatricality and performativity of the rituals of Law. Results: The characteristics of the aesthetics of judicial theatricality are described, highlighting the importance of moving beyond a purely formal view of Law to consider the ways in which justice is theatrically performed. Conclusions: It is from interdisciplinary and intermedial analyses that attend to judicial theatricality that it is possible to understand the functioning of justice today.
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