In a distant time, when the selk'nam people inhabited the land, the great ceremony of the Hain took place. At the very moment when Xalpén was about to murder the klóketen children to be resurrected by Olum, the invaders arrive and interrupt the ceremony, usurp the land, murder the selk'nam people, hide the bodies of the children and imprison the goddess Xalpén in a small hut, to prevent her from protecting her children with her fearsome power. After many years, the great hut of the Hain is abandoned and visited only by tourists and devotees who want to ask favors to the 'animita', without knowing that the goddess is actually trapped and imprisoned inside. The few selk'nam who have survived, Don Fidelio, Don Balde and El Ciego, remain hidden, wandering indefinitely between the underworld and the abandoned hut, remembering the legends and myths of their people, in order to bring out the truth and find the bodies of the klóketen children that the invaders have hidden.
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