ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Origin and Ancestry of the Bombo Legüero in Argentina Folklore: A Decolonial Approach
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How to Cite

Franzen, M. A. (2025). Origin and Ancestry of the Bombo Legüero in Argentina Folklore: A Decolonial Approach. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 84(2), 96–109.


Introduction: The bombo legüero is a traditional percussion instrument, in Argentinian folklore, that plays an essential role in various musical expressions in this South American country. Objective: This paper aims to examine the process of cultural whitewashing that affects the bombo legüero and other artistic manifestations in Latin American countries. Besides, it intends to emphasize the importance of the instrument in Argentina’s musical identity, by exploring its origins, rhythmic function, and connection to ancestral roots. Methods: The evolution of the bombo lengüero is examined in terms of its materials, dimensions, and relationships with other traditions and musical languages. Results: The analysis reveals that this instrument integrates diverse cultural influences, notably its affinity with African instruments and its central role in Argentina’s popular music. These characteristics challenge and expand the traditional Eurocentric narrative of this instrument. Conclusions: By reconfiguring the discourses surrounding the bombo legüero, the aim of this research was not to dismiss European cultural influences, but to value other traditions that have undoubtedly influenced the music of Nuestramérica. This recognition contributes to a richer and more diverse understanding of our musical identities.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mauro Franzen


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