ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906


Peer Review and Publication Process

Articles submitted to ESCENA. Revista de las artes are submitted to a double-blinded review system. Once compliance with the guidelines for authors and adherence to the editorial line of the journal have been verified, the manuscripts will be submitted for peer review by experts in the subject matter of the text, selected by the Editorial Committee and the editorial team. The evaluators will not know the name of the author of the article, nor will the authors know the identity of the evaluators. This entire process lasts between 8 and 12 weeks. The different stages of the process are detailed below:


Preliminary review

It consists of verifying the minimum requirements in the application sent by the authors. It checks that the application has been sent to the journal's OJS system, that the letter of authorization for publication has been correctly completed (with physical or digital signature and that no data is missing), the letter of authorization for images (also with physical or digital signature and duly completed data) and, if applicable, that the figures, graphs or images are sent in separate files. Likewise, it is verified that all applications have the title of the manuscript in Spanish and English.

In the case of articles and reflections, a review is made to ensure that they have an abstract and keywords in Spanish and English and present the mandatory sections: introduction, development, conclusion and references in APA 7 citation format in English or APA 4 in Spanish. Once it is determined that the submission meets these requirements, it continues to the next phase. This process can take between 8 and 15 days.


Academic review

All submissions submitted to the journal must be reviewed by the Editorial Board, who will determine if they meet the minimum requirements to continue with the editorial process of review and publication. The Editorial Board will approve or reject each of the articles and other documents submitted for the other sections of the journal, according to the editorial lines and the thematic focus. The applications submitted are reviewed monthly and, by simple majority, define one of the following results:

a. The proposal may proceed with the peer review or publication process if it does not require external refereeing (interviews, reviews). In these cases, external reviewers are recommended by specialists in the field.

b. The proposal requires amendments to some details in order to continue with the editorial process. Subsequently, the author is informed of the changes to be made. As soon as a corrected version is submitted, it will again be submitted to the Editorial Board for review to determine if it meets the minimum criteria.

c. The proposal is rejected ad portas for not complying with the minimum requirements. In these cases, the author is informed of the Editorial Board's reasons via e-mail or the OJS system.


Double-blinded peer review

After passing the academic review of the Editorial Board, the manuscripts will be examined by three external evaluators of the publishing entity (Universidad de Costa Rica). The reviewer who accepts to review the manuscript will have 15 calendar days, with the possibility of extension, to make the evaluation and complete the evaluation form.

The reviewers will use the following basic criteria for the review of articles:




Verify if it is a novel article, if it adds to the canon of knowledge of the discipline and if the research question is relevant within the current state of the discipline.


Determine if it clearly describes the item.


Establish whether it reflects the content of the article.


Evaluate whether it describes precisely what the author expected to achieve. Also, if it clearly indicates the problem being investigated, the theoretical framework or methodology, and contextualizes it within other research.


Verify if it adequately develops the research problem and if it achieves a clearly established result in a logical sequence.

Conclusion / Discussion

You should check if it answers the following questions: does what is stated in the conclusion, supported by the results, seem reasonable? Does the author(s) indicate how the results relate to the subject matter and to previous research? Does the article support or contradict previous theories? Does the conclusion explain how the research has advanced the body of scientific knowledge?

Previous research

If the article is based on previous research, it should be determined whether that work is adequately referenced and whether there are important works that have been omitted.


Is there any section of the article suspected of plagiarism, does the author adequately cite all sources?


Based on the three evaluations received, it will be determined if the text can be published with minimal changes, major changes or if it should be rejected. If the evaluations are positive for the publication of the article, the editorial team of the journal will notify the author of the result and the possible modifications that should be made to the work for its publication in ESCENA. Revista de las artes. If approved, a thorough review of the citation format and formal aspects will be carried out. If any formatting details are needed, the authors are notified. Likewise, a systematization of the observations and comments is sent to them with the corresponding decision. This result is sent to the authors with a date for sending the second version.

Otherwise, the editorial team will notify the rejection decision and the reasons for it, so that the author can work on these suggestions and possibly submit a corrected version to another journal. This stage lasts approximately 5 to 6 weeks.


Revision of second version

Finally, upon receipt of the second version, the editorial team checks that the pertinent observations and indications are included and then proceeds to a correction of style and format. All suggestions from external peers that are not rejected must come with their due theoretical and academic justification. During this process, the author may be contacted to make some final adjustments and clarifications to the manuscript. This stage may take between 3 and 5 weeks, depending on the editorial flow and the time of the year (if the journal is at the beginning of the call for papers or if the issue is being closed).


Layout, Proofreading and Publication

The manuscript corrected by the author continues with the layout stage, in which the text is adapted to the template and graphic image of the journal. At the end of this process, the final products are generated: a pdf, epub and html file. With the html version, the xml markup will be done later. Before sending the final products to the author, a final proof review is made to detect any inconsistencies, errors and details that need to be corrected. The corrected product is then sent to the authors for their approval for publication. Likewise, this version is sent to the director of the journal for final approval. Once the author and the editor have given their approval, the editorial process is concluded and the manuscript is scheduled for publication.