Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

El Islam: ortodoxia y modernización
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Musulmán Medio Oriente
Middle East
oil resources


With its natural resources and strategic geographical position, the Muslim world, especially the nations
of the Middle East, play an important role as energy producing countries and routes of transit for
hydrocarbons. The author presents a historie retrospective of Islam as a philosophical doctrine and way of
life; the interrelation between religion and politics in the Muslim world is analyzed. Like-wise, the author
analyzes the role of Islam after Cold War and breakdown of the USSR and how Islam has been converted in
to the West's new enemy. Effort is made to characterize the role of women in Muslim society, case studies
include systematic human rights violations. The role of oil resources as a modernization and destabilizing
factor both within and among Muslim countries and with the West is studied.
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