Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Apocalyptic Trends in Contemporary Politics
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Palabras clave

Political Religions
Political Symbolism
Religiones políticas
Simbolismo político

Cómo citar

Marega, S. (2017). Apocalyptic Trends in Contemporary Politics. Revista Estudios, (35), 411–431.


The symbol of apocalypse contains strong political connotations linked to eschatological expectations: the faith in a divine intervention on the course of history has often generated social instability, outbreaks of violence, and ideological claims.

This article aims to demonstrate as the overlap between apocalyptic symbolism and political phenomena is still ongoing, even assuming new critical implications in connection with recent geopolitical dynamics on a global scale.

The detection of the apocalyptic trends is supported by a historical premise, a brief summary of theoretical perspectives, and three study cases: the presence of messianic aspects in US imperialism, the influence of the doctrine of the Hidden Imam in the Iranian politics during the Ahmadinejad presidency, and the use of apocalyptic prophecies in the Islamic State’s propaganda
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Web references

Clarion Project (Dabiq – Rumiyah Issues)

McCants W., “ISIS Fantasies of an Apocalyptic Showdown in Northern Syria”



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