Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Cuando la vida no es increíble: La gran aventura LEGO como una obra dirigida al público adulto

Palabras clave

película para niños; medio cultural; alienación social; relación padres-hijos
Childrens films; cultural environment; social alienation; parent child relationship

Cómo citar

Saravia Vargas, J. C. ., & Saravia Vargas, J. R. (2023). Cuando la vida no es increíble: La gran aventura LEGO como una obra dirigida al público adulto. Revista Estudios.


The LEGO Movie (2014) was advertised as a children’s film because it was based on the memorable LEGO construction blocks and the figures in the toy line, which were animated with CGI. However, an analysis of the humor resources and the themes of the movie reveals that the main message of the film is directed to adults. This article will look at the black humor and slapstick comedy, the references to the corporative world, the dystopian vision of society, and the story within the story in The LEGO Movie, all fundamental film elements that appeal to adults and not minor viewers.


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