Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0034-8252 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5589

The place of art: between the uninhabited sky and the Cross. (An interpretation based on the Phenomenology of Spirit)
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autonomía del arte
Jean-Luc Nancy
art autonomy
Jean-Luc Nancy

How to Cite

Fallas Fernández, D. (2024). The place of art: between the uninhabited sky and the Cross. (An interpretation based on the Phenomenology of Spirit). Revista De Filosofía De La Universidad De Costa Rica, 63(166), 79–90. Retrieved from


This article deals simultaneously with a historical and a textual gap. The first corresponds to the moment between the dissolution of the Greek world and the establishment of the Christian world. The second corresponds to the moment between «art-religion» and the «manifested religion» in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1807). Both gaps are thought of in close connection with the problem of the autonomy of art; which, in order to exist, prefigures a place. Following Jean-Luc Nancy, it is concluded that this place corresponds to the periods of immanence, of which there are above all two: Late Antiquity and Modernity.

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