Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0034-8252 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5589

Brassierian Essay on Noise: The Anti-Aesthetics of Noise, Negative Normativity, and the Metaphysics of Extinction
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Ray Brassier
realismo trascendental
signo sin significado
Ray Brassier
trascendental realism
meaningless sign

How to Cite

Bonilla Pereira, J. A. (2024). Brassierian Essay on Noise: The Anti-Aesthetics of Noise, Negative Normativity, and the Metaphysics of Extinction. Revista De Filosofía De La Universidad De Costa Rica, 63(166), 105–128. Retrieved from


Noise tests philosophical assumptions, as it contains, according to Ray Brassier in his essay Genre Is Obsolete (2007), a subversive epistemic function. Specifically, it confronts the dissociation in the loss of collective reality between understanding and sensitivity, as kantian faculties of knowledge, and their extension into culture and science. This article is divided into two sections: the first addresses the limits of a noise aesthetics, exploring a failed conceptualization illegitimately based on heterogeneity and correlationism, as well as its false connection to capital; the second part proposes a reconsideration of noise as epistemology, through a transgression from cybernetics, information theory, and speculative materialism, criticizing a blind idea of modern philosophy.

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