Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

The Functions of Jakobson’s Language in Sports Seadlines: An Stylistic Analysis of <i>La Nación</i> and <i>La Extra</i>
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análisis del discurso
funciones del lenguaje de Jakobson
discurso periodístico
La Nación
La Extra
Discourse Analysis
Jakobson’s Functions of Language
Printed Media
La Nación
La Extra.

How to Cite

Vargas Castro, E. (2016). The Functions of Jakobson’s Language in Sports Seadlines: An Stylistic Analysis of <i>La Nación</i> and <i>La Extra</i>. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 41(1), 143–156.


The following article analyses headings according to the schema of verbal communication proposed by Jakobson. Headings are statements produced by a newspaper, the addresser, and they convey a message related to a reality, whether physical or mental, to the addressee, the reader. In the case of the newspapers La Nación and La Extra, the code is Spanish, but they differ in the selected subcodes: while La Nación is characterized by a formal register, in La Extra an informal style is preferred. Moreover, it is assumed that the functions of language of Jakobson that should prevail are referential and phatic, but in the sports section, in both types of newspaper, some headlines could be related to the poetic function. This implies more freedom in this section to interact with the content of the message. Nevertheless, in La Extra, there were some headings containing either the emotive, conative, or metalinguistic function as the predominant one. In those cases, the purpose is interacting with the reader, incorporating subjective traits, and using language games to make the heading more appealing, so that it can accomplish the objective of attracting and entertaining the reader.
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