Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Teaching Culture and Literature in L2: A Perspective from MA Graduate Projects in Spanish as a Second Language
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Didáctica de la Literatura
Español como L2
crítica literaria
Maestría en Español como Segunda Lengua
Pedagogy of Literature
Spanish as a L2
Literary Criticism
Master in Spanish as a Second Language

How to Cite

Chen Sham, J. (2016). Teaching Culture and Literature in L2: A Perspective from MA Graduate Projects in Spanish as a Second Language. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 41(1), 241–252.


The communicative approach and the postulate of multiculturalism constitute a contribution to the teaching of culture and literature in L2, undertaken by the Master of Spanish as a Second Language since its founding in 1998. It is an educational agenda with Americanist vocation as it delves into the founding elements of the historical development of Latin America and opts for a curriculum for teaching and literary criticism that identifies its cultural cues. This article presents a synthesis of an academic and institutional project at the University of Costa Rica, that propels, on the one hand, the current development of the teaching of Spanish as a Second Language and secondly, the need to include literature as authentic material, not as an appendix but from a privileged place in Spanish classes for foreigners. Be it awareness of respect for cultural diversity or meta-culture, be it the improvement of narrative competency and techniques, the work that has been developed in our Master program are inserted into this perspective of action-research in which the teacher alone is able to improve their environment within a "teaching for understanding" and thus interact with their students.
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