Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Hacia una comprensión del texto poético: a propósito de "Oda a la poesía" de Pablo Neruda
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poetic text
work of poetry
“Oda a la poesía”
Pablo Neruda
Texto poético
ars poética
"Oda a la poesía"
Pablo Neruda
Poetic text
work of poetry

How to Cite

Jones León, S. (2006). Hacia una comprensión del texto poético: a propósito de "Oda a la poesía" de Pablo Neruda. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 32(1), 79–86.


This article offers an approximation of the feeling engrossed in the differences of equivalent linguistic categories and the discovery of the diverse paths that constitute poetic text, which coincide with various discussions of human understanding.

The "Oda a la poesía", as poetic text,  pursues the answer as to how a poem is constructed, both as a work and a poet from the stylistic point of view. Preliminary observations have determined the possibilities of the existence of isotopies ode that create these semantic groupings. Therefore, it is proposed, the discourse of this ode as bi- isotopic, and the manner of isotopy worldwide, the equivalencies drive the formation of the interweaving significance whose structure creates permanence-not the permanence of being, and going, the poem, much more than just a mere historical vision of its evolution.
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