Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Contributions of Contrastive Linguistics to Second Language Teaching: From The Grammar Translation Method to The Concept of <em>Translanguaging</em>
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contrastive linguistics
second language teaching
linguistic repertoire
Spanish as a second language
lingüística contrastiva
enseñanza de segundas lenguas
repertorio lingüístico
español como segunda lengua

How to Cite

Guillén Solano, P. (2020). Contributions of Contrastive Linguistics to Second Language Teaching: From The Grammar Translation Method to The Concept of <em>Translanguaging</em>. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 46(Ext.), 117–133.


This article analyzes the contributions of contrastive linguistics to second language teaching. First, through a brief historical overview, the role of this discipline in the development of language teaching methodologies is studied. Next, the most recent studies on interaction between languages when learning a new one are examined, and examples of the implementation of a contrastive perspective for teaching phonetics, morphosyntax and pragmatics in Spanish as a second language classroom are provided. Then, taking into account the benefits that can be derived from the interaction of the linguistic speaker’s repertoires, the concept of translanguaging is introduced, along with an analysis of its principles and some suggestions to implement it as a pedagogical practice, in this case, through the teaching of lexical and sociocultural components. Finally, this paper concludes that current second language methodologies suggest a multilingual approach that promotes the activation of previous knowledge and its integration into the social context in order to take advantage of the speaker’s linguistic repertoire.
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