Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Análisis del discurso e investigación educativa: Dos casos de resúmenes de conferencias venezolanos, 1990-2002
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micro-sociolinguistic research
educational research
discourse analysis
conference abstracts.
Investigación micro-sociolingüística
análisis del discurso
resúmenes de conferencias
investigación educacional
Micro-sociolinguistic research
educational research
discourse analysis
conference abstracts

How to Cite

Eduardo Blanco, C. (2005). Análisis del discurso e investigación educativa: Dos casos de resúmenes de conferencias venezolanos, 1990-2002. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 31(1), 143–161.


Mainly from an interpretive standpoint corresponding with current discourse studies, this paper describes and analyzes using micro-sociolinguistic movement analysis techniques, two databases of Venezuela n education conference abstracts. The corpus, consisting of 273 abstracts from the two most important research events in this country, spans approximately twelve years (1990-2002). Depuration of abstracts representing both research projects and studies in process was conducted, leaving only those referring to completed research. According to the discourse movement analysis made, the most salient findings are: the most frequent type of abstract is one that shows only the introduction (1) movement. AIso, about four out of ten abstracts do not evidence the methodology (M) movement. Additionally, less than half of the abstracts are structured using either three or four ofthe internationally recommended structures. Despite a slight improvement in abstraet structuring along the first part of the time span (1990-1993 and 1994-1998), such improvement is lost in the third moment (1998-2002). As a conclusion, it can be said that these findings may have not only linguistic implications, but also epistemological and practical ones as well. In this sense, application of principIes and techniques of discourse analysis in order to improve scientific communication in this regard is recommended.
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Fuentes documentales utilizadas

Asociación Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia (AsoVac). Acta Científica Venezolana. Volúmenes 41 al 52 (Años 1990-2002). Área de Educación.

Universidad Central de Venezuela. Unidad de Investigaciones de la Escuela de Educación. Material mimeografiado (años 1990, 1991, 1993). Folletos de resúmenes (años 1995, 1996, 1998). Archivo electrónico contentivo de los resúmenes de ponencias (año 2000).

Fuentes bibliográficas

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Salager-Meyer, F. 1992. "A text type and move analysis study of verb tense and moda lity distribution in medical English abstracts" . English for Specific Purposes. 11 (2): 107-124.

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