Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

La obra como prodigio: El ejercicio hermenéutico en <i>Miguel Ángel Asturias, Casi Novela</i> de Luis Cardoza y Aragón
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Luis Cardoza y Aragón
Miguel Angel Asturias
almost a novel
Luis Cardoza y Aragón
"Miguel Ángel Asturias
casi novela"
"Miguel Angel Asturias
almost a novel

How to Cite

Rodríguez Cascante, F. (2004). La obra como prodigio: El ejercicio hermenéutico en <i>Miguel Ángel Asturias, Casi Novela</i> de Luis Cardoza y Aragón. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 30(2), 47–60.


This article studies the aesthetic-biographical conception of the Guatemalan writer Luis Cardoza y Aragón (1901-1992) raised on his writing Miguel Angel Asturias, almost a novel (1991). This approach has as an objective to analyze the theoretical presuppositions of the interpretive exercise of the author. The work is organized in three sections. First, I direct my attention to the aesthetic proposition. Later, I cornrnent on the position of the author relative to the "hermeneutic exercise", and finally, I will talk about the analysis that Cardoza y Aragón makes of Asturias. I maintain the hypothesis that the interpretive work offered by the Central American writer is based on an aesthetic conception of an "auratic-platonic" character totally anchored in paradigms of modernity. Futhermore, largue that this artistic model directed to Miguel Angel Asturias, allows the scope of the biographical impression elaborating an ambiguous approach that censures the biography "moulds" morally to the author by his inscription to the socialist "metarrelato",
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