Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

La recreación humorístico-paródica del juicio de la risa en <i>El asno de oro</i> de Apuleyo
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How to Cite

Rojas, I. (2004). La recreación humorístico-paródica del juicio de la risa en <i>El asno de oro</i> de Apuleyo. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 30(1), 117–126.


The next paper presents the epi ode of Lucius trial at the Festival of Laughter in the text The Golden Ass by the Latin writer Apuleius (125 d. C.). These scenes parody histrionic aspects of forensic speeches for comic effect. Lucius' adventure prepares the vision of the novelistic hero in agreement with the coronation-dethronement rite of the carnival king.
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