It is of vital importance to continuously improve the accuracy of translations of classical Chinese poetry, aiming to convey the content and emotion of the original text and facilitate seamless intercultural communication. In this article, we will distinguish the techniques, methods, and strategies of translation and analyze which ones can be applied to the various components of poems in poetry translation. To carry out this task, an ancient poem by Li Bai, a poet from the Tang dynasty, will be used as the original text, which will be combined with the Spanish translations of Anne Hèléne Suárez (2005) and Chen Guojian (2016). Additionally, biased translation strategies will be summarized. In the selected poem, both translators commonly employ direct translation and descriptive techniques. However, Suárez’s translation method leans towards direct translation, while Chen’s approach emphasizes communicative translation. Through this article, we aim to inspire beginners in poetry translation and provide a valuable reference for translation research on various topics.
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