This research aims to investigate the syntactic representation of the perfect aspect. More specifically, we intend to verify the morphosyntactic realizations of universal perfect (UP), resultative perfect (ResP) and experiential perfect (ExP) associated to the past and to the indicative mood in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). For this purpose, five hours of spontaneous speech were analyzed and a gap-filling task was applied to 62 native speakers of BP. The results evidenced that UP is conveyed by the imperfective past and the auxiliary verb “estar” (‘to be’) in the imperfective past + gerund; ResP is conveyed by past perfect (with the auxiliary verbs “ter” (‘to have’) and “haver” (‘there to be’), simple past, past perfect simple and “acabar” (‘to finish’) in the past perfect compound with the auxiliary verb “ter” (‘to have’) + ‘de’ (‘of’) + infinitive; and ExP is conveyed by the past perfect compound with the auxiliary verbs “ter” (‘to have’) and “haver” (‘there to be’), simple past and past perfect simple. We discussed that the results corroborate Rodrigues and Martins’s (2019) proposal that there are three perfect phrases in the syntactic tree: Universal Perfect Phrase (UPerfP) to UP, Resultative Perfect Phrase (ResPerfP) to ResP, and Experiential Perfect Phrase (ExPerfP) to ExP.
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