Annals in Gerontology ISSN Impreso: 1659-0813 ISSN electrónico: 2215-4647

Coping strategies of older people in pandemic contexts: gender differences
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Flores Monroy, C. A., Razo González, A. M., & Martínez Mondragón, M. E. . (2025). Coping strategies of older people in pandemic contexts: gender differences. Annals in Gerontology, 16(1), 48–64. Retrieved from


The objective of the research was to analyze the differences and similarities in the coping strategies that older men and women used in the context of the pandemic in complex situations such as those caused by COVID-19, to identify the needs and resources of this population. The methodology was qualitative with an interpretive-hermeneutic and gender approach, using semi-structured interviews with 36 older adults: 22 women and 14 men. The theoretical approach was transdisciplinary, having the transactional theory of Folkman and Lazarus as a reference for coping. Results: In women and men, interpersonal relationships and family support are substantial; However, women express a greater need for social support in terms of maintaining or restarting relationships with friends, the community, even institutional services to which they previously attended, while men express greater independence in this aspect and even a need for momentary distancing from the centers of greatest contact. Conclusions: Older adults use different coping strategies without distinction of gender; However, the way of meaning it and giving it meaning does vary depending on the genre. Women face the immediate, seeking family support, in addition to distancing themselves from information and news. Men actively seek information in order to face situations independently of support networks.


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Copyright (c) 2025 Carlos Alejandro Flores Monroy, Angélica María Razo González y Mariam Eleany Martínez Mondragón


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