Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

Socio cultural and food aspects associated to the trapiche and the tapa de dulce in Costa Rica
PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 2 pp. 25-40. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 2 pp. 25-40. (Español (España))

How to Cite

Sedó Masís, P., & Cerdas Núñez, M. (2018). Socio cultural and food aspects associated to the trapiche and the tapa de dulce in Costa Rica. Herencia Journal, 31(2), 25–40. Retrieved from


The trapiche is one of the oldest agroindustries registered in Costa Rica. The production of sugar cane and the tapa de dulce are linked to agro productive and culinary aspects that families dedicated to the sugar mill have passed from generation to generation. It highlights the relationship of the artisanal trapiche with the tradition. of the boyeo and the carreta, and the current interest of this agroindustry and its consumers for the acquisition of tapa de dulce, given its value as artisanal product, local commerce, and the use of this product for the elaboration of traditional foods and drinks, which are part of the cultural culinary heritage of the country. The study is of a qualitative approach. It describes socio-culturalelements associated with the artisanal production of sugar cane and traditional foods in Costa Rica. During 2016-2017, a bibliographic review was carried out on the socio-historical aspects linked to the sugar mill in several regions of Costa Rica. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 12 people in charge of the trapiche from San José, Cartago and Alajuela and 50 people who attend trapiches to purchase products or participate in community festivities.

PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 2 pp. 25-40. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 2 pp. 25-40. (Español (España))



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