InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

Comparison between production seasons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under greenhouse conditions
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cucumis sativus
production season
heat tolerance
cucumis sativus
época de producción
tolerancia al calor

How to Cite

Monge Pérez, J. E., Chacón Padilla, K., Cruz Coronado, J. A., & Loría Coto, M. (2023). Comparison between production seasons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under greenhouse conditions. InterSedes, 24(49), 307–344.


Eleven cucumber genotypes were grown under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions in Alajuela, Costa Rica in two different production seasons (dry and rainy) to compare their yield and quality. The harvest of all genotypes started 31 days after transplant (dat) in the dry season, and between 28 and 30 dat in the rainy season. In general, cucumber fruits were longer, thinner and heavier, and showed higher percentage of total soluble solids, when produced during the dry season. Conversely, the total number of fruits per plant, and total and commercial yields, were higher when produced during the rainy season. However, genotype x production-season interaction was significant or highly significant for all evaluated variables. Corinto and Primavera genotypes showed higher commercial yield in the dry season and they seem to have heat tolerance genes, which can be used in plant breeding to face the threat of global warming and climate change.
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